Trends In Fundraising.

Directors of educational institutions, religious institutions, hospitals, health care and cultural institutions are increasingly looking for new sources of money.

Fundraising is not a dirty word, the involvement of private funds and finance companies requires a different way of thinking and work. The largest growth will come from years of philanthropy.

The conclusion may be drawn that sponsorship and fundraising now socially acceptable and, within certain limits, even become valued phenomena are no longer seen as a marginal phenomenon. The public finds it perfectly normal to contribute in whatever form, to the facilities in their own environment.

Cooperation between businesses and civil society will take place in various fields and in all its forms. Institutions and organizations are still not on the value and usefulness are still the cat from the tree view, constitute an ever-shrinking group. And they still debate about whether funds should be and can appear to be working with a rearguard battle.

A look ahead and what will the future bring us? In other words, what are the trends? Prof. Dr.Th.NMSchuyt, the first professor of philanthropy and volunteer work at the VU Amsterdam, predicts a big future for the charities and speaks of 'The Golden Age of philanthropy. " Philanthropy is an indispensable social, political but little visible. But that will change. In an article in The Financial Daily (April 27, 2004) Schuyt says: "With the rise of philanthropy as fundraising will continue in the near future a shift in the political and social debate taking place. The paradigm of the welfare state" public purposes on the basis public funds will need to supplement with a new paradigm, namely "public purposes on the basis of private funds.

More and more institutions and organizations will be active with sponsorship and fundraising to go. There will be particularly strong growth in the number of smaller, local promotional non-profit organizations. In addition to the already existing national charities get more players, including foreign, with the result that it will increasingly be on the market charities. Thus increasing competition between charities. That will have consequences that the charities in their fundraising should distinguish it from its competitors. And that can no longer begging letters, that time is over. Professionalism and creativity are the essential conditions for substantial and structural success.

Learned of the incidents, the public increasingly critical and demands on the reliability of charities. The management of this trust is increasingly important. This will also be given more attention to the development of codes of conduct, labels, etc.

The personal relationship with the providers will become increasingly important, especially when it comes to big donations. Relationship fundraising, as mentioned. It is also linked an active involvement of management and governance at the fund-raising is becoming increasingly important.

We will see where development institutions to shift from an ad hoc fund-raising for the achievement of defined goals and limited to a more structured form of fundraising.

To expect a growing interest in the industry for good causes. Corporate social responsibility is the trend.

Cause related marketing is coming. This means we connect the name of the company or a product thereof, to a charity. This country can and large-scale but also at local level. For example, the restaurant offers a special menu and part of the price given to charity or the retailer that does the same in the sale of one or some of its products. Both have in their mind with the hope that the association with the charity sale will stimulate. Research has shown that the public is buying are guided by this kind of action. The aim is to develop a creative idea that both the charity and the supporter benefit. Cause related marketing is based on a win-win situation.

We will see that there are always more aggressive recruitment methods to come. direct mail, direct response, telemarketing, but also approach the public through the Internet.

There will be more and more attention for our seniors. The market of the future, as is sometimes said, the market of the grandfather's and grandmother's: "They have enough money, free time in abundance and also they are just awful lot with." Netherlands now has more than 5 million people aged 50 and over. By 2030, that there is 7.7 million. The seniors are good targets for an increasingly important group of potential donors. Legacies will be a major source of income for the charities.

There are more and more commercial firms providing advice on for-profit basis to organize conferences, events present, computer programs on the market, training and so on. Professionalism and creativity are no longer required. These are for sale. Fundraising is increasingly becoming big business.

There will be more attention paid to the legal and fiscal aspects of gift and omissions.

The voice of the giver will increasingly be heard. A first attempt to establish a national association supporters failed. But there will certainly be new to protect the interests of donors to deal with charities and the critical process.

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