Fundraising by the Church: It is Necessary for Discrimination.

Fundraising by the church is biblical and necessary. As Christians, we should give, give generously. But, can not give without a considerable amount of wisdom and discernment. The Bible tells us: "Study everything, keep the good". This certainly also applies to our responsibility to other Christian churches and ministries it. Each collection and fundraising needs to be reviewed:

* "New Oriental Test Amen" is to always be done voluntarily. Christians are encouraged as part of their spiritual growth too, but never, no way, forced to a certain amount of money. Controls that claim a certain amount of their members because they condemn a particular project not support violating biblical principles.

* Biblical give in proportion to your income. If you more than you can afford or are in the debt issue, it is unscriptural and then you can financially "chains". That does not mean that we do not believe in God will test us and will not ask for sometimes more than we are accustomed, but the Scripture texts to help us clearly a part of what God has given us first.

* There is a lot responsibility to look at the biblical. It is important to know how his money in the interest of the Kingdom will be used. You should always be on your guard if you have a collection of an organization to do that is not prepared to show (or do not like to show) how the financial activities look like. Paul made sure that the churches themselves render God-men from their own congregation appointed as the distribution of funds to manage, so there was no doubt about the integrity of the projects.
* Biblical give is always motivated by love - love for God and love for others. Never give motivated by selfish gain or a desire for recognition of your gift. Love was the primary motivation for the collection by the early church was held. Any fundraising material blessings that you promise or say something like "do this and this and God will do that for you" must be very carefully examined.

Fundraising by the Church - More Blessed to Give:

At the beginning of this article, we question: "Why would an almighty God something we need?" The answer is simple. God has not need us. People who will happily give themselves aware that bibles to an exercise of their love, faith and obedience. Our ability to give freely, without thought to what we will get in return is a reflection of the state of our hearts. We only profess love for God and others, or let it in tangible ways like?

"How can God love someone who still has more than enough to justify its existence, but his heart close to a brother or sister that he is suffering lack?" (1 John 3:17)

There is also a belief and confidence needed to give. When we from our own resources than reflects our confidence that God will provide for our needs. Our faith and our trust in God to take when we are able to give and God's sincerity to work. God wants us to him to fully trust and that our security in money and possessions are trying to find. God is almighty and He really has nothing to need us. But, he helps us to spiritual maturity to grow by inviting us to use our gifts to have a share in His plans and goals. As Christians, we not because we feel a debt or because we are forced to this. We give because we are in a fundamental way that we feel the love and blessings that God has poured on us to share with others. Whether the amount is large or small, our obedience to reflect where we will give joy and to strengthen our faith.

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