Chocolate Thunder Straight Shattered Backboards

Earlier in the week there was an amazing photo of former NBA player Rafael Araujo shattering a backboard during a game with his Brazilian premier league team Flamengo. Araujo, taken by the Raptors one pick before the 76ers selected Andre Iguodala, lasted just 139 games before seeing his NBA career come to an end. Sure, the photo of the glass breaking as a result of Araujo's dunk is pretty amazing, but no one broke backboards quite like Darryl Dawkins. Check out the video after the jump of Chocolate Thunder tearing rims and breaking glass. DUNK SHOTS! The video features comments from Dr. J, Kenny Smith, Craig Sager, Steve Kerr, and Doug Collins. Collins actually picked up the assist on the second glass shattering dunk. � Can you imagine how out of control popular Dawkins would be today? His Twitter feed would be amazing. I'd be rocking a Planet Lovetron t-shirt right now if he was playing today. Random fact: Dawkins once came to my overnight camp and offered to hand out hundred dollar bills to anyone who could score on him. I am pretty sure he spent a good ten minutes effortlessly swatting shots of every single camper who stepped up. He was also gracious enough to ref an entire quarter of a basketball game I played in that day. He's just an amazing character.

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