Take the BoomTown Vs. Zuckerberg Survey: Is the Apple iPad Mobile or Not?

Yesterday, BoomTown wrote a post titled ?Dear Zuck: The Apple iPad Is Mobile (So Sorry!),? countering Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg?s statement at a press event earlier this week that the popular tablet device is not.
As I wrote about what the kingpin of the social networking giant said:
Ben Parr of Mashable asked a question everyone has been speculating about recently?whether and when there would be an iPad app for Facebook coming.
A fumbling ?no comment? would have worked fine, but the real Zuckerberg seemed to have decided to channel the clever Aaron Sorkin-ish repartee of the fictional Zuckerberg in the movie ?The Social Network.?
?It?s not mobile?it is a computer,? he said flatly.
?I think Apple would disagree with you,? noted Parr.
?Well, sorry,? Zuckerberg spat out, his voice dripping with the kind of sarcasm that only a super-nerdy Silicon Valley engineer can pull off properly.
I disagreed, noting:
The iPad is a computer, because that is technically true, even though that makes a smartphone a computer too. (And, now that I think of it, my car is a computer.)
But actual civilians don?t make these kinds of distinctions and, if one spends any time watching consumers use tablets, mobile is entirely how they think of it.
The post got a lot of comments, and tweets too, so I thought I would post a survey so that everyone can cast their own vote.
And I won?t blame the economy if I lose, so click away (and I will post the results later):

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world?s leading questionnaire tool.

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Tagged: Apple, BoomTown, Facebook, Internet, Kara Swisher, Silicon Valley, Twitter, digital, hardware, media, mobile, social networking, telecom, Aaron Sorkin, app, Ben Parr, civilian, computer, device, engineer, iPad, Mark Zuckerberg, Mashable, nerd, post, question, result, smartphone, survey, tablet, The Social Network, tweet | permalink

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