Harrods has officially unveiled its crystal-encrusted special edition Samsung Galaxy Tab ? yours for a shade under �2,700. The high-end London shop is offering the blinged up Tab with the promise that every crystal has been painstakingly hand-applied to the case. When you consider that means that someone has had to glue on 5,700 Swarovski Bright crystals, it makes it even more pressing to ask exactly which magpie wants a 7-inch Android 2.2 tablet that glistens. Lavish"The Crystal Samsung Galaxy Tab combines lavish design with incredible product features, such as a 1GHz processor, Google's Android 2.2, Froyo operating system, a front facing camera for video calls and a 7-inch TFT-LCD display," added the official press release."The 7-inch size means the Galaxy Tab is perfectly portable, fits in a pocket or handbag and can be used for everything from watching films and TV, viewing pictures, reading ebooks and sharing documents, to talking to friends and colleagues via voice and video call, e-mail, instant messaging, SMS/MMS or social networking."So, if Swarovski crystals and tech is your thing, then you might want to crack open the crystal-encrusted piggy bank and delve around for the �2,699. The Crystal Galaxy Tab is available exclusively from Micro Anvika at Harrods ? with custom designs available.Related StoriesCreative outs Android Zen Touch 2 MP3 playerTizi brings Freeview to the iPadApple iOS 4.2 update imminentToshiba releases Folio 100 tablet PCSamsung: Galaxy Tab to hit one million sales 'this year'
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